The Horrors of Being a Facebook Moderator | Informer VICE Asia 7:26 3 years ago 148 899 Далее Скачать
Inside the traumatic life of a Facebook moderator The Verge 13:33 5 years ago 1 735 453 Далее Скачать
The Dark Side of LLMs and the Ugly Truth Behind Content Moderation That Big Tech Wants to Hide Humans of Martech Podcast 3:42 7 months ago 294 Далее Скачать
Treat content moderators just like first responders Doctor Ali Mattu 7:54 5 years ago 3 681 Далее Скачать
Content Moderators: The Unsung Heroes of Online Safety, | Leila Simms, Chloe #lucifer Sci Fi Sanctuary 0:31 3 weeks ago 344 Далее Скачать
Scrubbing the net: The content moderators - The Listening Post Al Jazeera English 9:34 7 years ago 51 987 Далее Скачать
Content moderators: the gatekeepers of social media | Gianluca Demartini | TEDxUQ TEDx Talks 14:43 4 years ago 29 089 Далее Скачать
Content moderation in an age of extremes Case Western Reserve University School of Law 55:10 6 years ago 213 Далее Скачать
Content Gone Wild? A Moderator Sues Based on Mental Health Concerns Econobits: A Daily Dose of Music and News 2:33 2 years ago 15 Далее Скачать
CONTENT MODERATION JOB - Description, Qualification, What does it take to be one? Rea Ninja 13:11 3 years ago 195 795 Далее Скачать
Addressing the Challenges of Content Moderation UCLA School of Law 58:56 4 years ago 204 Далее Скачать
Social media is Destroying your brain. Here is the solution! | Naval Ravikanat and Joe Rogan Learn with Jaspal 0:46 2 years ago 431 593 Далее Скачать